TALENTEX Scholarship Exam 2025 : If you are student of class 5 to 10th then we have good news for you regarding new scholarship called it Talentex 2025, that scholarship organized by allen career institute. this scholarship offers cash prize and other benefits also its helped students who preparing for NEET UG Exam and JEE main.
TALLENTEX: Scholarship Exam 2025 Results has been published now you can check here : https://www.tallentex.com/txres2025/
In the offline mode, 4750 cash prizes will be awarded, while the online mode will see, 10500 cash prizes. Additionally, students can earn up to a 90% scholarship for admission into ALLEN’s classroom and digital courses.
TALENTEX Scholarship Eligibility Criteria
- Citizenship only Indian allowed.
- Any gender can be apply.
- All Cast categories are eligible.
- Classes V to X.
- PAN India
- No Condition for minimum marks.
Benefits of TALENTEX Scholarship Exam :
- Cash Prizes Rs. 2.5 Crores. (for both offline & online)
- Scholarships worth 250 Crores.( for both offline & online)
- If you have good rank in Talentex Scholarship exam then you can get upto 90% scholarship.
- There are two modes of exam Online (from home) and Offline (at selected centres) modes.
- This Talentex Scholarship exam also helps to students for self-analysis, Academic Enhancement, Winning Rewards & Career Mapping.
NOTE: Both online and offline form will be available in the school.
Exam Conduction Procedure:
Exam Fee: Rs. 300 (Online/Offline)
Category | Total Questions | Marking Scheme | Correct Answer | No Negative Marking | Exam Duration | Medium |
Physics | 11 | Multiple Choice | +4 | No Negative Marking | 2 Hours | English |
Chemistry | 11 | Multiple Choice | +4 | No Negative Marking | 2 Hours | English |
Biology | 11 | Multiple Choice | +4 | No Negative Marking | 2 Hours | English |
Maths | 25 | Multiple Choice | +4 | No Negative Marking | 2 Hours | English |
IQ (Intelligence Quotient) | 22 | Multiple Choice | +4 | No Negative Marking | 2 Hours | English |
Total Questions | 80 | – | – | – | 2 Hours | English |
TALENTEX Class 5th Syllabus:
Category | Subject | Topic |
IQ | Classification | Alphabet Test, Coding-Decoding, Direction Sense, Mirror Image, Number Ranking, Series, Mathematical Operations, Venn Diagram, Water Image, Measurement, Natural Resources and Calamities, Our Planet Earth, Work, Force and Energy, Adaptations in Animals, Adaptations in Plants, Food and Digestion, Food Production in Plants, Growing Plants, Human Body and Health, Reproduction in Animals and Plants, Matter and Material, Rocks and Minerals, Solid, Liquid and Gas, Air and Water, Area and its Boundary, Factors and Multiples, Measurement, Number Sense, Numeral and Number Name, Shapes and Angles, Patterns, Fractions, Data Handling, Multiplication and Division |
TALENTEX Class 6th Syllabus:
Classification | Multiplication and Division, Patterns, Shapes and Angles, Numeral and Number Name, Number Sense, Measurement, Factors and Multiples, Area and its Boundary, Air and Water, Solid, Liquid and Gas, Rocks and Minerals, Matter and Material, Reproduction in Animals and Plants, Human Body and Health, Growing Plants, Food Production in Plants, Food and Digestion, Adaptations in Plants, Adaptations in Animals, Force and Energy, Work, Our Planet Earth, Natural Resources and Calamities, Measurement, Water Image, Venn Diagram, Mathematical Operations, Series, Number Ranking, Mirror Image, Direction Sense, Coding-Decoding, Alphabet Test |
TALENTEX Class 7th Syllabus:
Category | Topics |
IQ | Sorting Materials into Groups, Separation of Substances, Water Image, Venn Diagram, Series, Number Ranking, Inserting the Missing Character, Mirror Image, Blood Relation, Embedded Figure, Direction Sense, Coding-Decoding, Classification, Mathematical Operations, Motion and Time, Heat and Temperature, Fun with Magnets, Electricity and Circuits, Shadows and Reflection, Light, Motion and Measurement of Distances, Body Movements, Nutrition in Plants and Animals, The Living Organisms – Characteristics and Habitats, Getting to Know Plants, Air Around Us |
Mathematics | Triangles and its Properties, Rational Numbers, Lines and Angles, Comparing Quantities, Algebraic Expressions, Simple Equations, Data Handling, Mensuration (Std. VI), Ratio and Proportion, Fraction and Decimals (Std. VI), Integers (Std-VII), Fractions (Std-VII), Integers (Std. VI) |
Physics | Heat and Temperature, Fun with Magnets, Electricity and Circuits, Shadows and Reflection, Light, Motion and Measurement of Distances |
Chemistry | Bases and Salts, Acid, Air Around Us |
Biology | Nutrition in Plants and Animals, The Living Organisms – Characteristics and Habitats, Getting to Know Plants |
TALENTEX Class 8th Syllabus:
Category | Topics |
Biology | Crop Production and Management, Microorganisms – Friend and Foe, Forests – Our Lifeline, Respiration in Organisms, Transportation in Plants and Animals |
Chemistry | Coal and Petroleum, Combustion and Flame, Waste Water Story, Physical and Chemical Changes |
Physics | Sound, Force and Pressure, Light, Electric Current and its Effects, Heat and Temperature, Motion and Time |
Mathematics | Understanding Quadrilaterals, Squares and Square Roots, Exponents and Powers, Cubes and Cube Roots, Linear Equations in One Variable (Std. VIII), Linear Equations in One Variable (Std. VII), Rational Numbers, Perimeter and Area, Fractions and Decimals, Integers, Visualizing Solid Shapes, Comparing Quantities, Lines and Angles, Cubes and Dice |
IQ | Venn Diagram, Water Image, Series, Number Ranking, Mirror Image, Inserting the Missing Character, Embedded Figure, Direction Sense, Counting of Figures, Blood Relation, Coding-Decoding, Mathematical Operations, Heat and Temperature, Motion and Time, Electric Current and its Effects, Force and Pressure, Sound, Chemical Effect of Current, Respiration in Organisms, Transportation in Plants and Animals, Forests – Our Lifeline, Microorganisms – Friend and Foe, Crop Production and Management |
TALENTEX Class 9th Syllabus:
Category | Topics |
IQ | Blood Relation, Coding-Decoding, Counting of Figures, Cubes and Dice, Direction Sense, Embedded Figure, Puzzle Test, Inserting the Missing Character, Mirror Image, Series, Number Ranking, Venn Diagram, Water Image |
Physics | Sound, Light, Some Natural Phenomenon, Motion, Force and NLM, Gravitation |
Biology | Conservation of Plants and Animals, Crop Production and Management, Microorganisms – Friend and Foe, Reproduction and Reaching the Age of Adolescence, Food Production and Management, The Fundamental Unit of Life, Tissues |
Mathematics | Mathematical Operations, Cubes and Cube Roots, Algebraic Expression, Identities & Factorisation, Comparing Quantities, Direct and Inverse Proportions, Exponents and Power, Mensuration, Squares and Square Roots, Understanding Quadrilaterals, Co-ordinate Geometry, Number System, Polynomial, Linear Equation in One Variable, Lines, Angles and Triangles |
Chemistry | Combustion and Flame, Fossil Fuels (Coal, Petroleum and Natural Gas), Is Matter Around Us Pure, Matter in Our Surroundings |
TALENTEX Class 10th Syllabus:
Category | Topics |
IQ | Blood Relation, Calendar, Clock, Coding-Decoding, Counting of Figures, Cubes and Dice, Direction Sense, Embedded Figure, Inserting the Missing Character, Series, Number Ranking, Puzzle Test, Sitting Arrangement, Syllogism |
Physics | Motion, Force and NLM, Gravitation, Sound, Work Power and Energy, Reflection of Light, Refraction of Light, Human Eye and Colourful World |
Biology | Nutrition, Respiration, Excretion, Transportation in Animals, Transportation in Plants |
Mathematics | Mathematical Operations, Polynomials (Std-IX), Circles (Std-IX), Heron’s Formula, Statistics, Surface Area and Volumes, Lines and Angles, Triangles – Congruency & Similarity of Triangles and Quadrilaterals, Number System, Co-ordinate Geometry, Polynomials (Std-X), Introduction to Trigonometry, Linear Equation in Two Variables |
Chemistry | Atomic Structure, Atoms and Molecules, Acid Bases, Salts, Chemical Reaction, Metals and Non-Metals |
General Information | Important Update: Tallentex papers (Class 10) will NOT include questions from the chapters “Natural Resources” and “Why Do We Fall Ill” in Biology as per NCERT syllabus removal |
Offline Exam Cash Prizes 2025
National Rank in TALLENTEX 2025: Offline Exam – Cash Prize in Rs. (Total: Rs. 1.25 Crore)
CLASS \ Rank | 1001 – 1750 | 501 – 1000 | 201 – 500 | 101 – 200 | 21 – 100 | 11 – 20 | 6 – 10 | 2 – 5 | 1 |
Class X | 1,000 | 2,000 | 3,000 | 7,500 | 8,000 | 25,000 | 50,000 | 75,000 | 1 Lakh |
Class IX | NA | 1,500 | 2,000 | 3,000 | 5,000 | 21,000 | 35,000 | 50,000 | 1 Lakh |
Class VIII | NA | NA | 1,000 | 2,000 | 4,000 | 20,000 | 31,000 | 40,000 | 1 Lakh |
Each Class V, VI & VII | NA | NA | 1,000 | 2,000 | 3,000 | 10,000 | 20,000 | 35,000 | 50,000 |
Online Exam Cash Prizes
National Rank in TALENTEX 2025: Online Exam – Cash Prize in Rs. (Total: Rs. 1.25 Crore)
CLASS \ Rank | 2001 – 3000 | 1501 – 2000 | 1001 – 1500 | 501 – 1000 | 201 – 500 | 101 – 200 | 21 – 100 | 11 – 20 | 6 – 10 | 02 – 05 | 1 |
Class IX, X | 500 | 850 | 1,000 | 1,500 | 2,000 | 3,500 | 5,000 | 12,000 | 20,000 | 34,000 | 61,000 |
Class VIII | NA | NA | 500 | 750 | 1,000 | 1,500 | 2,500 | 6,500 | 15,000 | 21,000 | 51,000 |
Each Class V, VI & VII | NA | NA | NA | 500 | 1,000 | 1,200 | 1,800 | 4,000 | 11,000 | 18,000 | 41,000 |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is TALENTEX ?
TALLENTEX is a specially designed initiative to encourage young talent with cash prizes, scholarships, and mentoring by ALLEN Career Institute.
Who can appear in TALENTEX 2025 ?
Students studying in classes V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, & X in 2024-25 can appear in TALLENTEX 2025.
The registration fee is Rs. 300/- (Non refundable). After making the payment, the student will be allotted a TALLENTEX Roll Number, a confirmation message on the registered mobile number, and a fee acknowledgement receipt.
You can contact us :
(8.00 am to 8.00 pm).